Making Smarter Design DecisionsMaking Smarter Design Decisions

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Making Smarter Design Decisions

When you decide to renovate your home, you might be tempted to head to the design showroom and pick out all of your favorite things. Unfortunately, that shade of green you adore now might not be your favorite six months from now. I have spent a lot of time and money designing my own home, and I know how easy it can be to make a few expensive mistakes. That is one of the reasons I decided to create a website dedicated to helping other people make smarter design decisions. By reading these articles, you might be able to create a beautiful, luxurious space.


Run A Retail Store? 3 Ways To Add Bright Colors With A Painting Service

While running a retail store, you will find that you have plenty of opportunities to change things that may or may not have a positive impact on the business. Even if you do not want to make any drastic changes to the space, you should not hesitate to experiment with smaller projects.

Painting parts of the retail shop is something that you can do to make improvements. If your shop is lacking in bright colors, you should figure out a few ways that you can use them positively.


An outstanding way to use bright colors is to create themes throughout the retail space. If you stick with a neutral-colored scheme throughout the entire interior, you may find that customers are not sure where to look since everything blends together. Creating themed areas is something that you can accomplish on your own with the addition of bright paint in a few spots.

All it takes is a paint job to make your shop look more unique, and you can take things further by using the bright paint as a baseline for decorating a certain area in a new and exciting way.


Another way that you can make your retail store stand out more is by painting the exterior. A neutral-colored exterior may look attractive to some people, but the problem may be that it does not do a good enough job of getting people to look at your business while passing by. An easy way to generate new customers is by gaining people's attention and getting them to come inside.

Finding a balance of bright and neutral colors on the outside will help you maintain a sleek-looking exterior while still doing enough with color changes to attract new customers.


While you could paint the ceiling and whole walls in bright and bold colors, you may not be interested in making such a drastic change to your retail store. This may be especially true if the bright colors do not mesh well with your business's name or logo or with the items that you sell.

Changing the trim on the inside can add enough color in your store to make a noticeable difference. If your shop has lots of windows on the outside, the trim on its own can get people to look inside when passing by and then your merchandise and setup can generate customers.

If you want to add bright colors to your retail shop, you should talk to commercial painting contractors and consider several ways to incorporate new colors to improve your business.