Creating An Accent Wall: Important Dos And Don'ts
These days, many homeowners utilize accent walls in living spaces as a means of creating an interesting focal point. Generally, an accent wall consists of one wall in a room that's painted a different color than the rest of the space. If you're thinking about adding an accent wall somewhere in your home, however, there are some important guidelines you'll want to keep in mind--as creating an accent wall that looks good isn't always as easy as it seems.
DO Choose Your Wall Strategically
The first key to a successful accent wall is to simply choose the right wall in the space. Generally, the best way to choose an accent wall is to walk into a space, look around, and determine where your eye is naturally drawn. If this proves difficult for you, consider recruiting help from a neighbor or somebody else who is less familiar with your living space than you are. Usually, walls that have built-in shelving, large windows, or even a fireplace make for great accent wall candidates.
DON'T Select the Wrong Paint Color
Choosing the right paint color for an accent wall is also important. When most people think of accent walls, they think of bold colors. However, your accent wall doesn't need to be a bold paint color, nor should it necessarily be. It all depends on the current decor and size of the space. For a smaller room, you'll be better off selecting a more neutral and subtle color for your accent wall, and then painting the remainder of your walls a creme or white color. On the other hand, if you have a larger space to work with, then you may be able to get away with a bolder paint color.
DO Use Different Fabrics and Textures
Your work isn't done once your accent wall is painted. Accent walls are all about creating interest and appeal not only with different colors, but different patterns and textures as well. Consider adding some complementary materials to your accent wall, such a picture frames, reclaimed wood, or even a section of textured wallpaper. These seemingly small additions can take your accent wall to the next level.
DON'T Assume You Need an Accent Wall
Last but not least, don't assume that every space needs an accent wall. Some rooms have plenty of visual interest on their own without the need for an accent wall. This is especially true of spaces that are already "busy" with lots of quirky furniture, wall decals, or patterns.
For assistance with paint products, talk to a professional.