Making Smarter Design DecisionsMaking Smarter Design Decisions

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Making Smarter Design Decisions

When you decide to renovate your home, you might be tempted to head to the design showroom and pick out all of your favorite things. Unfortunately, that shade of green you adore now might not be your favorite six months from now. I have spent a lot of time and money designing my own home, and I know how easy it can be to make a few expensive mistakes. That is one of the reasons I decided to create a website dedicated to helping other people make smarter design decisions. By reading these articles, you might be able to create a beautiful, luxurious space.


Avoid These Hazards When Hanging Holiday Lights On Your Home

Holiday lights are fascinating and beautiful to look at. However, in some instances, holiday lights can also be quite problematic. Whether it's the safety hazards that come along with hanging lights or an electrical hazard, lights can cause a number of problems when not done correctly. Running A One-Person Show When everyone is driving by your home to bask in the beauty of the lights – you want everyone to know it was all your work. Read More 

Remove Grime after Pollen Season with Exterior Painting

As spring comes to an end, you'll likely notice that your home has received a thick layer of pollen that is visible to the eye and removable by touch. While painting a home likely isn't the first thing you think of when taking care of cleaning after spring, it can go a long way toward giving the front of your home a new look and getting rid of pollen at the same time. Read More 

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Painting Your Home

Making the decision to paint the exterior of your home isn't one that should be taken lightly. You don't want to end up with a paint job that you are going to regret simply because you rushed into it too quickly. You are better off taking your time and planning your next painting project before making a final decision. To make sure you don't end up going with a color that isn't going to work for you, avoid making one of the following mistakes. Read More